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Good Housekeeping

29th June 2023

We have been in the IT business for many years now and have learnt a lesson or two over that time, one of which I can share here with you now. A really good tip for keeping your computer healthy (any type, make, model, age) and preventing problems, is to reboot (restart) it regularly ... preferably daily.

Your computer will thank you for this and it will improve its security, functionality and speed by:

  • enabling software updates to be completed and applied clearing the system memory (RAM)

  • fixing software issues and maintaining system stability by clearing out small glitches, memory leaks, and conflicts

  • freeing up resources - simply closing a program may not always cause it to release system resources

There are a number of ways to restart your computer - here is just one of them:

  1. Click Ctrl + Alt + Delete

  2. Click the Power icon in the bottom right corner

  3. Select Restart from the list

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