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New Starter - IT Checklist

18th September 2024

So you have a new employee arriving - other than a new email address, what else do you need to consider? Quite a lot it seems, if you want to ensure a smooth onboarding experience and maintain security, productivity, and compliance from day 1. The following list has left no stone unturned:

1. Account Creation and Access Management

  • User Accounts: Create user accounts in necessary systems, such as email, Active Directory (AD), file servers, CRM, or other business-critical software.

  • Access Rights: Grant appropriate access based on the employee's role (principle of least privilege). This includes network drives, cloud services, and applications.

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Set up SSO if the organization uses it to simplify authentication across multiple services.

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enable MFA for additional security, particularly for sensitive data or systems.

2. Hardware Provisioning

  • Devices: Provide the new hire with necessary hardware such as laptops, desktops, phones, tablets, etc.

  • Configuration: Ensure the hardware is pre-configured with the required software, security settings, and organization policies.

  • Asset Management: Record all provided equipment in an asset management system for tracking and support.

3. Software Installation and Licensing

  • Software Deployment: Install or provide access to required software and tools (e.g., office productivity suites, collaboration tools like Slack or Teams, project management tools).

  • Licensing: Ensure proper software licensing is in place for any applications the new employee needs to use.

  • Mobile Device Management (MDM): Set up MDM if the employee will be using mobile devices for work, ensuring security and compliance.

4. Email and Communication Tools Setup

  • Email Account: Set up a company email address with appropriate aliases, forwarding rules, and folder structures as necessary.

  • Email Signatures: Provide a company-compliant email signature template for consistency.

  • Messaging Platforms: Add the employee to internal communication tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom.

  • Group Memberships: Add them to appropriate distribution lists, internal groups, and channels based on department or project requirements.

5. Security Measures

  • Password Policies: Ensure that strong password policies are in place and communicated to the employee.

  • VPN Access: If remote work is supported, configure and provide access to the company's VPN (Virtual Private Network).

  • Antivirus and Endpoint Security: Ensure that the new employee's devices are protected by endpoint security software (antivirus, firewalls, etc.).

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Implement DLP measures to ensure sensitive data is not transferred outside the organization’s environment.

  • Encryption: Ensure all company devices and communication channels are encrypted.

6. Access to Shared Drives and Resources

  • File Sharing: Grant access to shared drives, OneDrive, Google Drive, or other file-sharing services.

  • Project Management Systems: Provide access to project management tools (e.g., Jira, Trello,

  • Collaboration Tools: Set up necessary collaboration tools, document repositories, and intranet access.

7. Training and Orientation

  • IT Policies and Guidelines: Ensure the employee understands IT policies regarding acceptable use, security, remote work, and data handling.

  • Training on Tools: Provide training on the company's IT systems, applications, and any proprietary software.

  • Security Awareness Training: Conduct security awareness training on topics like phishing, social engineering, and password management.

8. Compliance and Legal Considerations

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS in the employee’s access and data handling.

  • Confidentiality Agreements: Ensure the employee signs any necessary confidentiality agreements regarding data protection and usage.

  • Data Privacy: Make sure that the new employee understands data privacy laws and internal policies.

9. Collaboration Tools and Remote Work Support

  • Remote Work Setup: If the employee works remotely, ensure they have secure access to necessary tools and communication platforms.

  • Video Conferencing: Set up access to tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet for virtual meetings.

10. Support and Helpdesk Integration

  • Helpdesk Tickets: Ensure the employee knows how to submit IT support requests via the helpdesk system.

  • Onboarding Support: Provide immediate IT support during onboarding to assist with any technical issues, including account access or software installation problems.

11. Backup and Recovery

  • Data Backup: Ensure the employee's work is regularly backed up, especially if they are dealing with sensitive data.

  • Recovery Solutions: Implement data recovery measures in case of hardware failure or accidental data loss.

12. Exit Procedures Consideration

  • Documentation: Keep track of the onboarding process for future offboarding, ensuring that access can be easily revoked when an employee leaves.

  • Asset Return Policy: Ensure there’s a clear process for employees returning company assets.

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